Joshua Chege Outreach Ministries International is expanding it's ministries to better share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who have not yet heard about the good news and to better share in our experiences as Christians as we walk out our salvation daily. Carrying one another's burdens, praying for one another, encouraging one another, living in the Joy that is evident in having a relationship with the Sure Foundation and sharing that experience where the whole world can see it.

That's my King!
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Who are we?

We are a ministry that believes in building and sharing the love of God. We are here to bring Education, Health Care, Dental Care, Bible Teaching and compassion for the Desolate families, orphans, etc. We offer help to them mentally, physically and spiritually. We minister love above all and the message of Hope. The message of not just a prosperous life in Jesus name here on earth, but a wonderful award that awaits them in Heaven for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Salvation Prayer

Be assured, God loves you, and wants to forgive, save, and heal you. Cast all your burden on Him, and embrace Jesus with all your heart. Pray this prayer, mean it, and you will be saved, right where you sit.
LORD: I here and now Repent and Believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I believe you died for me, as my Substitute, and rose from the dead according to the Scriptures.
Thank you Lord, for taking my place, and paying my debt in full.
Even though I was apart from You, separated by my sin, You saw me, helpless, and fallen, and loved me enough to die for me.
You did no wrong. I'm the one who has sinned, I broke God's Law. I deserve to die for my sins. You were innocent, and yet took my place on the Cross.
I believe that You suffered the penalty for all my sins, You paid the full price to wipe out my debt.
Your sinless Blood, precious and Divine, pays for all my sin.
Because You took my punishment, I am now free. No sin remains to condemn me. I'm no longer guilty before God. I can never be judged or condemned for my sins because they were judged in You, Lord.
I believe this Good News, the message of the Cross. I trust Your Promise that everyone who asks receives.
Please forgive me Lord. I receive You now into my heart.
I accept Your gracious gift of love, mercy and peace.
The LORD Jesus Christ now lives in me.
I am a new creation in Christ.
Born of God with the life of Jesus in me.
I trust the Blood of Christ cleanses every sin from my life.
My record is wiped clean because of your grace and mercy.
LORD, I trust that You did enough for me. You paid it all, so no more price need ever be paid.
You did enough to save me forever, I will not claim any merit, offer any good works, or pay any price, as long as I live. Nor will I say or do anything more to have my past sins forgiven, or to be saved.
Lord Jesus, You did enough 2,000 years ago to save me once and for all.
From this moment I trust entirely in what You did for me on the Cross. It is sufficient. Nothing can ever improve my salvation.
Your Blood has cleansed me now. I am forgiven now. I am saved now.
Help me to follow You, and share this wonderful news with everyone.
Thank You Lord for my full salvation. AMEN!
Now Seal Your Decision: Tell Us So We Can Rejoice with you! :D Get a KJV Holy Bible and study the Word of God daily to find out what Christ has done for you, and what a blessing it is to follow Him. Welcome to the family! You are now new and changed and will everyday following Jesus closely. :)